The Basics of Longevity Science

What you'll learn
- Explain the biology of aging and the market for longevity medicine.
- Gain insights from recent studies and expert conferences on longevity science.
- Apply the theory and practical implications of longevity science.
- Evaluate cutting-edge treatments and interventions aimed at extending healthy human lifespan.
- Assess the market dynamics and economic potential of longevity science industries.
Who is this course for
- Individuals without a medical degree
- Healthcare professionals
- Biotech entrepreneurs
- Biohackers
- Longevity enthusiasts
- VCs and angel Investors
- Academics and students studying biology/medicine/biotechnology
- Course Goals, Structure, and Expectations.
- Aging and Cognitive Changes, Financial Decision Making, Challenges and Strategies
- Tools and Resources, Legal and Financial Planning
- Healthcare and Investment Decisions, Emotional Well-being, Case Study Analysis
- Key Takeaways, Further Learning
- Interview with Prof. Anina Hille, on the effect of the changing demography on Labor markets
- Interview with Mr. Kai Kaufhold, on practical insights and future trends in longevity risk
- Interview with Prof. Dr. Oliver Kruse on aging and its effect on global trends in real estate and interest rates
- Defining Age-Friendly Banking: The business case for Age-friendly Banking; What do older adults want from their bank?
- Financial Resilience
- Financial Inclusion
- Financial Consumer Protection
- Employee Training and Awareness
- Customer Education
- Elder Fraud Detection, Prevention, and Reporting
- Charitable Engagement and Partnerships
- Innovation For Older Adults Within the Age-Friendly Framework
- The Political Economy of Financial Inclusion
- What Is the Difference?
- The Story of M-Pesa in Developing Countries
- What Is the Case of Financial Inclusion in High-Income Economies?
- Leverageing The Power of Underserved Communities.
- The Role of Regulation in Promoting Small and Medium Businesses
- Introduction to Saving Circles
- ROSCAS, SACCOS & Tontines
- The Advantages and Disadvantages of Saving Circles
- Saving Circles in The Digital World
- Theories of Aging
- The Hallmarks of Aging and Genomics
- The Aging-Mortality Relationship
- From Micro to Macro
- The Anti-Aging & Longevity Industries
- Examples: Altos Health
- We Need More Research
- Examples -
- The Evidence-Based Research
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Cancer
- Type II Diabetes
- Neurodegenerative Diseases
- Lifestyle
- Current Longevity Medicine
- Rapamycin
- Metformin
- Resveratrol
- Caloric Restriction
- Amino Acid Restriction
- Hormonal Optimization
- Stem Cell Therapies
- Biohacking
- Measuring Cellular Aging
- How May the Future Look Like
- Introduction
- Defining Social Capital
- Navigating Relationships
- Grandparenting
- Solitude vs. Loneliness
- Caregiving
- Introduction
- Ageism, Loneliness vs. Isolation
- Late Blooming
- Intergenerationally
- What Can Women Do in Their Extra Decades of Life
- Introduction
- Epidemiology of Women's Health
- Biomarkers in Women
- Interventions to Optimize Longevity
- Challenges and Future Directions
- Financial Independence of Women Over 50
- Income Dynamics and Gender-based Disparities
- Mastering Finance after 50
- Empowering Wealth in the Second Half of Life
- Explore the Nuanced Foundations Shaping the AgeTech Landscape
- Understand the Essential Principles of Aging and Their Impact on Technology and Innovation
- Examine Real-World Challenges Faced by the Aging Population
- Analyze Case Studies Showcasing Innovative Tech Solutions Transforming the Aging Experience
- Stay at the Forefront by Analyzing the Latest Trends Impacting AgeTech
- Identify and Strategize Around Untapped Opportunities Within the Expansive Aging Market
- Learn from the Strategies and Playbooks of Industry Giants Participating in the AgeTech Revolution
- Explore Future Directions and Potential Innovations in the AgeTech Sector
- Discuss How Emerging Technologies Can Further Enhance the Lives of Older Adults
- Demographic Analysis, Feminization of Old Age, Impact on Labor Market, Economic Status of the Elderly, Health and Social Wellbeing.
Skills covered in this course
- No previous knowledge required

Liran Lavi is a 6th-year medical student at Federico II university in Naples and holds a B.Sc. in biology and psychology from Tel-Aviv university. In the past decade, using his knowledge of statistics and social psychology, he has helped research and analyze data about the elderly population in areas of health, wealth, and well-being. Liran is creating new education programs on aging-focused technologies, and the intersection between finance and longevity in the European market.

“The course is amazing, both in the content it provides and the way it’s leveraging the online media.”

“This program should be taken by anyone working in financial services. As the population gets older fintech and longevity will become extremely important.”

“I would like to congratulate you on the organization of the course. The content, the material, the duration, all the concepts, and the explanations were great. I love the Slack tool for creating community also. I am very, very happy with all the knowledge I acquired after taking this course. Thank you.”

“The program was excellent. During the course, I found the increasing importance and opportunities to Fintech and Longevity.”